Copper Roofs
Copper offers the character and durability that no other metal roof can match. Look of copper can complement any style of building, from classic to traditional and to the modern. Its glow and beauty of this material make it a preferred fit for many architects worth their salt.
The use of copper roofs is based upon traditional practices proven over centuries. There are numerous examples of copper roofs which have been in place one or more centuries especially in Chinese and Japanese architecture. Copper’s resistance to any destructive elements is highest among any other type of roofing systems.
When properly designed, configured and installed, a copper roof provides effective and long-term roofing solution. Its low life cycle costs are attributable to the low maintenance, long life and salvage value of copper. Unlike other metal roofing materials, copper requires no painting or finishing, it’s perfect just the way it is, copper ages in a beautiful ways and slightly changes it's finished look every decade.
Through its natural weathering process, the soft bronze tones can be expected to lead to the elegant greenish patina finish. There are a number of methods available to retard or accelerate the natural weathering process of copper. Contact 7×7 Roofing for more information on coloring and aging options.
The malleability of copper make it an easy target material to form over irregular roof structures and shapes. Domes and other curved roof shapes are readily handled with copper roofing materials.
In recent years, new tools and installation methods have been introduced that aid in the quick, proper, and economical installation of copper roofs for any application and any weather.